Peter Matthews


·       Arts Management - postgraduate qualifications, 30+ years' senior management/executive experience

·       Governance - postgraduate qualifications, 20+ years' experience on statutory and community boards (arts, education, health), many as chairperson

·       Grant Writing - over 40 years’ experience across arts, education and health as well as for personal grants and fellowships


·       Audit and Risk - extensive management and governance experience, some qualifications embedded in postgraduate qualifications

·       HR - extensive management and governance experience, some qualifications embedded in postgraduate qualifications

·       Artistic Production - formal qualifications, extensive experience but many years ago which limits contemporary relevance.


Simon McKenzie


·       Legal - Bachelor's degree and Doctorate in Law, and admitted as a lawyer with the Supreme Court of Victoria. I have extensive legal experience, including in private practice, in government and in legal research. 

·       Governance - Professional and academic experience in the governance of organizations, including ensuring compliance with reporting obligations and developing governance policies.

·       Stakeholder engagement - Substantial professional experience writing and speaking to a range of audiences, including policy makers, industry, and the general public. This includes grant applications and government submissions.


·       Grant writing – professional experience writing grant applications for research projects.

·       Advocacy & government relations - professional experience working as a public servant in government.

Adrienne Picone


·       Governance - GAICD, been on several not for profit boards, reported to boards as a CEO for 13 years.

·       Advocacy & Government Relations - CEO of national and stated based peak bodies for 13 years.

·       Community Services - worked in the not for profit sector for over 25 years in a variety of roles including stakeholder engagement, and consultation.


·       HR - senior management roles in the not for profit sector over the last 15 years

·       Strategic leadership - led the development and implementation of strategic plans for 3 organisations.

·       Stakeholder engagement - CEO of member based organisations that have a bottom up approach to service delivery.


Denise Robinson


·       Arts Management - Postgraduate qualifications, 25+ years’ experience as practising artist, arts administration, facilitator and mentor.

·       Cultural Sector – 25+ years’ working as Aboriginal artist, arts advisor, administrator, broker, facilitator, and mentor.

·       Grant Writing - over 30 years’ experience developing arts, community, and cultural programs, assisting individuals, groups and organisations secure funding, as well as personal grants and fellowships. 


·       Advocacy & Government relations – extensive experience working at local, state and federal level in collaborative programming, relationship development, and advisory services.

·       Governance - 15+ years' experience on statutory and community boards, and cultural advisory committees and councils (arts, funding, Aboriginal culture) 

Alison Jales


·       Education – Postgraduate qualifications, 30 years teaching experience, 11 years experience working for the Tasmanian Department of Children and Young People

·       Governance – Experience as member of Australian Education Union Executive and Council, Former Member of Teacher Registration Board in Tasmania


·       Cultural Sector – Experience volunteering with Community Arts Organisations and Festivals and being a committee member

·       Dance – Experience teaching dance at a dance school and in Government schools, involvement in community dance performances, parent of a dancer

·       Strategic Leadership – Involvement at different levels in strategic planning in various groups and organisations

Kai Beyerle

Primary Skills

·       Legal – bachelors and post-graduate qualifications degrees in law, together with several years’ practising experience in private legal practice

·       Governance – tertiary study, several years’ practical experience on not-for-profit boards and committees, combined with professional experience in advising boards and organisations on governance matters, including regulatory, compliance, and constitutional issues

Secondary Skills

·       HR – experience in management and senior management roles over a number of years

Ben Lovitt

Primary Skills

  • Marketing – A Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce (Marketing), 15+ years marketing across Agency, Media and Brand Organisations.

  • PR & Communications – Accountability for developing and authoring press releases/ASX announcements across multiple public organisations in support of investor and public relations, and crisis management planning (Recall management et al)

  • Sales – Current and past professional responsibility for the design and execution of achieving multiple million-dollar yearly sales budgets across private and publicly listed FMCG and media organisations.

Secondary Skills

  • HR - Responsible for the management, recruitment, and role design of positions across multiple organisations and markets in the leadership of internal and virtual teams.

  • Legal – Experienced in working closely with internal and external counsel, in the pursuit of registering and protecting intellectual property (brand devices/recipes) and regulatory compliance in various jurisdictions and markets.

  • Grant writing and process – Participated in the writing and obtainment of multiple marketing and innovation international trades grants in the private sector.     


Ed Beswick

Primary Skills

·       Accounting – GM & Finance Director for a large NFP early learning provider leading a small finance team with responsibility for a $5m budget.  Previously Financial Accountant for Launceston Airport overseeing the budget setting process, board reporting pack and asset management.  Former Audit Manager (external audit) with Deloitte (Big4) with clients in mining, energy, manufacturing, retail, health and NFP sectors.  Selected for a short term Canadian secondment to assist with the implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). CA with 15+ years in the profession.

·       Audit and Risk – extensive audit experience having worked for nearly a decade in audit with a Big4 Professional Services Firm (Deloitte).  Current treasurer of two community based NFPs (chair of audit & risk committee for Junction).  Chartered Accountant and Certified Internal Auditor (professional designations/formal qualifications).

·       Governance – 8 years’ experience on JAF board as member of Exec & chair of audit & risk, as well as other community based organisations.  Extensive experience working with and reporting to boards, predominantly around internal control and governance frameworks as both an external (financial) and internal auditor as well as reporting to boards from a finance and now senior management perspective.

·       HR – senior management role overseeing the Exec team of a large NFP (115+ employees).  Responsible for the HR function of the organisation.  Significant experience resolving HR issues (including Fair Work proceedings) and developing performance management systems.  Audit Manager with Deloitte with responsibility for training and mentoring staff along with leading a high performing team.

Secondary skills

·       Cultural sector – Treasurer of Launceston Film Society and member for almost a decade with a strong love of film and cinema, treasurer of Junction Arts Festival and long time/passionate attendee of cultural and arts experiences throughout Tasmania.

·       Education - Currently seeking to boost the engagement of children in the early years through collaborations and partnerships with local arts organisations and other cultural experiences.

·       Grant Writing – experience reviewing and developing the financial components for several community based organisations . Experience writing grants for operational, community and cultural funding for large NFP early learning provider.

·       IT – formal qualifications (B-IS, electronic business major) and functional oversight of ICT for Thrive Group (including formulation and execution of ICT strategy to increase efficiency, connectivity and break down geographic barriers to participation and learning)

·       Advocacy & Government relations – experience liaising with local & State government representatives as the spokesperson for the organisation and passionate advocate for the early learning sector.  Member of early learning stakeholder advisory panels.

Jess Grace - Conroy

Primary Skills

·       PR & Communications – 12+ years working in communications, with a particular focus on accessible and inclusive communications.  At the heart of this work is identifying, understanding and adapting to audience communication needs, and then responding to these needs through a range of channels and approaches.

·       Access and inclusion – 12+ years working in access and inclusion for marginalised groups.

Secondary Skills

·       Strategic Leadership – Led the development and implementation of strategic plans for multiple organisations.

·       Grant writing – Led the writing and obtainment of multiple grants for not-for-profit and local government initiatives.

·       Advocacy & Government relations  – Experience building relationships with decision-makers and working through these relationships to bring about certain change.