Resoundingly Tasmanian.
Regionally Proud.

Great art is made and shared when we assemble.

No artist leaves



  • Assembly 197 is a nationally significant artistic partnership between Tasdance, the iconic Tasmanian contemporary dance company, and Situate, a Tasmanian and leading Australian initiative dedicated to nurturing emerging and mid-career artists.

    This collaborative arrangement is focussed on producing genre-busting art by embracing interdisciplinary art-making, progressive artistic endeavour, and an innovative, engaging education program.

  • No. Situate has always been multi-artform and interdisciplinary. We continue to work with artists from all artistic disciplines.

  • It sure is! The Tasdance company remains strong, producing innovative contemporary dance work with professionals and communities.

  • No. Assembly 197 is the home of Tasdance, Tasmania’s premier dance company.

    Tasdance is also the name of the incorporated company which is now trading as Assembly 197. Our board is responsible for the Tasdance, Situate and Artery activities.

  • No. These organisations are independent: they have their own creative team, their own governance arrangements, and they run their own artistic programs. We have invited them to share our home in the Assembly 197 building. Share resources and fostering collaborations.

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